


As the new year begins, I extend my heartfelt wishes for happiness to everyone. I hope your wish comes true in 2024. Did you make one? As the seconds pass, the feeling of hope intensifies, knowing that my destiny is within reach. Let this year shine apart from others, like a brilliant star in a dark sky.


I’ve ignored the minor discomfort in my quadriceps. It was happening more often and started to annoy me. Over time, I pulled it to its limits, and it was unbelievably tight. Despite regular stretching, I haven’t regained my previous level of flexibility.

Position yourself by sitting on your calves and then opening your thighs on the floor and sit on the floor.

Relax and maintain your position.

The objective is for you to lie down on your back.

If you want an extra bonus, lift your torso up to 90 degrees without any assistance.

This is quite challenging; try aiming for 20, 30, 50, and so on, and then attempt 90.


Once your quads are sufficiently stretched to reach the floor.

As I use an exercise ball behind me, you can progressively increase the distance.

Hold your spot and slowly move downwards until you reach the floor.

Lift your upper body gradually until you can raise yourself off the floor.

Make it harder by placing a weight on your chest.


Here’s a challenging exercise for you.

Get on your feet and use your knees to compress whatever can be compressed.

I’m using a kangaroo squeeze, but prioritize your safety and use whatever works for you. I tend to use the handrails for support during more advanced exercises.

physio squeeze


Footage captured by my security camera.
I started walking twice daily with my bigger walker.
Returning always leaves me exhausted because it takes two hours each time.
Typically, I go in the morning and again at around 5pm.
If I have muscle soreness, particularly in my left quad, I usually go once that day.


I wanted to show you a small portion of my walking path, where the scent of wildflowers lingers in the breeze. Before the forest, on the far left, is where my house is located, and there are no post lights in case you were wondering.


I encountered a minor website glitch, but it was swiftly resolved, leaving everything running smoothly. As the temperature plummeted, my motivation for walking dwindled. Did I mention that spring has arrived?


Firstly, I wish everyone a Happy Easter.

There some minor website glitches so please be patient.

I’m still waiting for the warmer weather to resume walking outside.

Getting Out – Press Release.


This win came as a complete surprise, and I am thrilled to announce that I will be featured in their magazine as well. 

To view the interview questions, click here if you’re interested.


The walking has started again, and the birds are encouraging me with their cheers.


Google has ranked me as the number 1 result once more.


I just noticed this.

Greg Siofer’s Award-Winning Book, “Getting Out,” Brings Hope and – RIVER COUNTRY – NEWS CHANNEL NEBRASKA


I’ve restarted my fantastic walk, experiencing the redness appearing on my skin. I’m contemplating a solution to surpass this barrier. If you were considering sunscreen, think again. Coconut oil might be an option, but sunscreen is a definite no.


Temporarily, I have relocated my workout equipment. My phone, which I rely on for various tasks, is currently plagued by a weak Wi-Fi signal, despite everything else going smoothly. Yes, I listen to music, immersing myself in the rhythmic beats and melodic tunes.


As I soaked up the sun’s rays, I could feel its gentle heat radiating through my skin, creating a soothing sensation.

Right, I wish. I got fed up and went walking with my sweater.


After I posted earlier, the weather shifted, and I relished in the gentle touch of the sunrays. As I settled into the cool shade, I couldn’t help but notice the fiery redness that had appeared on my thighs and arms at night.


Since the blinding rays of sunshine became overpowering. Sitting and relaxing, I could hear the distant sound of birds chirping and feel the gentle breeze against my face, until the humidity became unbearable and I retreated indoors.


I did find a solution, a borrowed one from the previous year. Now, strolling in the shade, I am shielded by a new umbrella.


Today, I woke up with a small injury, and to my surprise, the bump that seemed to be improving yesterday now appears to be getting worse. I’m not sure what’s going on.


Despite being unrelated, I’m super excited because my fiction book has garnered multiple positive reviews. It won’t be long until it’s published.

“”A remarkable blend of action, mystery, and romance, Greg Siofer’s novel keeps readers on the edge of their seats. A must-read for fans of gripping, emotionally charged stories.””

Reviewed by Pro Book Reviews 

“This book rarely lets anyone take a breather.”

Pikasho D. Reviewer for Readers’ Favorite